Highlights 2020

Provision of excellent clinical care to the 8,219 children and adolescents who have attended the COEs

Baylor Tanzania’s outreach program which has indirectly impacted over 21,370 children, adolescents and adults living with HIV

Baylor Tanzania has tested over 35,956 individuals for HIV, 2,909 of whom were found to be HIV positive and were linked with care and treatment services.

Baylor Tanzania has treated 5,964 HIV positive children and adolescents with lifesaving ART.

Baylor Tanzania has provided care for 3,714 HIV positive adolescents, a uniquely vulnerable population, and has enrolled 1,704 adolescents in Teen Club.

Two thousand nine hundred and ninety-two (2,992) HIV exposed infants have received comprehensive PMTCT, growth and nutrition monitoring, and vaccination and 2,009 HIV exposed infants ultimately tested negative for HIV and graduated from care at the COEs.

Through the COE’s comprehensive care model, 3,312 children and adolescents received treatment for malnutrition, 1,193 children and adolescents received treatment for TB, and 3,314 adolescents received sexual and reproductive health services.

While Baylor Tanzania patients are among the most complex and treatment experienced in the zones, they have achieved viral suppression rates of 92%, well above the reported national Tanzanian pediatric viral suppression of 43% (UNAIDS Country Data 2018).

The COEs have consistently maintained lost to follow up rates of 3% through their multidisciplinary patient engagement services.

Baylor Tanzania’s impact has not been limited to the COEs – Baylor Tanzania has been able to train and mentor 11,973 healthcare workers in the diagnosis and management of pediatric HIV, tuberculosis, and severe acute malnutrition

1,230 healthcare workers have attended Baylor Tanzania’s intensive clinical attachment program.

Baylor Tanzania’s outreach program has reached 226 health care facilities across the Lake and Southern Highland Zones of Tanzania and has empowered 33 healthcare facilities to establish their own Satellite Teen Club programs.

Lastly, Baylor Tanzania has employed 172 staff since the program started, many of whom have used their employment at Baylor Tanzania to launch careers battling the pediatric HIV epidemic in Tanzania. This cohort of highly trained staff have catalyzed improvements in pediatric HIV care across the nation of Tanzania.

Key numbers


People tested for HIV People tested HIV positive People


People tested HIV positive


People started on anti-retroviral therapy (ART)


Patients currently on ART

Treated for TB
Treated for TB
Orphans and vulnerable
children supported
Orphans and vulnerable
children supported
Home visits conducted
Home visits conducted
Healthcare workers trained
in clinical attachment program
Healthcare workers trained
in clinical attachment program
Treated for malnutrition
Treated for malnutrition
Adolescents (ages 10-19)
receiving sexual reproductive services
Adolescents (ages 10-19)
receiving sexual reproductive services
Percentage of HIV positive adolescents
(age 10-19) in Teen Club (1024 adolescents registered in teen club/1525 active adolescents in care)
Percentage of HIV positive adolescents
(age 10-19) in Teen Club (1024 adolescents registered in teen club/1525 active adolescents in care)